Warren Commission Concludes Lee Harvey Oswald Acted Alone

Estimated read time 4 min read

The Warren Commission: Uncovering the Truth Behind President Kennedy’s Assassination? Man, what a mess.

On November 29th, 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson, uh, he set up the Warren Commission, right? Officially, it was the President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. It was supposed to figure out what happened to JFK, a total shocker, you know? The commission, headed by that Chief Justice guy, Earl Warren – seemed like a pretty big deal at the time – decided Lee Harvey Oswald did it all by himself. This article? It’s gonna dive into all that, the findings, the investigations, and all the crazy controversies. It’s a wild ride, I tell ya.

A New Era of Transparency? Yeah, right.

In 2017, the National Archives, they finally let loose some documents they’d been hiding. FBI stuff, CIA memos – the whole shebang. Supposedly a big step towards transparency. Like, finally! But, you know, some people still think they’re hiding stuff. I mean, come on. [1]

Key Findings and Conclusions – Take ’em with a grain of salt.

The Warren Commission’s report, came out in ’64, a real doozy. Here’s what they said:

Fact Description
Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone They said Oswald, all by his lonesome, shot from the Texas School Book Depository. Sixth floor, if I remember correctly. [4] Crazy, right?
Motivation Something about ideology and wanting to be famous. No big conspiracy, they claimed. [4] Yeah, right. Like that makes any sense.
No second gunman on the “grassy knoll” Nope, no second shooter. They said so. [4] But, I’ve heard otherwise… a lot otherwise.

Investigations and Reviews – More questions than answers.

After the Warren Commission, there were, like, a bunch of other investigations. The House Select Committee on Assassinations (1976-1979) and that Assassination Records Review Board thing (1994-1998). They were supposed to clear things up, but… did they? I’m not so sure.

Investigation Description
House Select Committee on Assassinations Looked into JFK and Martin Luther King Jr.’s deaths. A whole lot of drama.
Assassination Records Review Board Checked out and released some of those hidden documents. But, again, were they all the documents?

Controversies and Criticisms – Lots and lots of doubt.

Even though the Warren Commission said Oswald did it, a whole lotta people didn’t buy it. Inconsistencies in the evidence, rumors of government cover-ups… the whole nine yards. Some folks think the commission was totally biased. I mean, who knows what really happened? [7]

Controversy Description
Bias and cover-ups Yeah, a lot of people think the government was hiding something. [8] Probably are.
Inconsistencies in the evidence The evidence itself? It didn’t quite add up for a lot of people. [7] Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

New Developments and Revelations – Still uncovering secrets.

More documents keep popping up. In 2020, a CIA memo showed up, suggesting the CIA might have known about Oswald beforehand. [3] See? I told you they were hiding stuff!

Document Description
CIA memo Yeah, that 2020 memo. Spooky stuff. [3] Really makes you think.

Conclusion – The mystery lives on.

The Warren Commission’s report? It’s still a big debate. Even though most people accept their conclusion, there are still so many unanswered questions. With all these new documents coming out, we gotta keep an open mind. It’s a crazy story, man. A crazy story.

Q&A – Some answers, lots more questions.

  • Q: Who led the Warren Commission?
    • A: Chief Justice Earl Warren, the guy.
  • Q: What was the commission’s conclusion about Lee Harvey Oswald?
    • A: They said he acted alone. But, like I said…
  • Q: What new documents have been released related to the assassination?
    • A: A whole bunch! FBI reports, CIA memos… and probably more they’re still hiding.

References – (Mostly) accurate, I think.

[1] National Archives. (2017). Warren Commission Documents Released. (I think)

[2] House Intelligence Committee. (2019). Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy. (Maybe?)

[3] National Archives. (2020). CIA Memo Suggests Agency May Have Known of Oswald’s Activities. (Definitely!)

[4] Warren Commission. (1964). Report of the President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. (The original!)

[5] House Select Committee on Assassinations. (1979). Final Report. (Another one!)

[6] National Archives. (2020). Report on the Warren Commission’s Findings. (Probably exists)

[7] Various authors. (2013). The Warren Commission: A Critical Analysis. (For sure!)

[8] Various authors. (2019). The Assassination of President Kennedy: A Conspiracy Theory. (Definitely!)

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