RealClearPolitics is a leading online news platform covering US politics and elections.

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RealClearPolitics: A Big Deal in US Politics, Right?

Wow, 2024’s election’s heating up! Gotta stay informed, you know? RealClearPolitics (RCP), they’ve been around for ages – a trusted source, apparently. This article? It’s all about RCP, its history, stuff like that. It’s kinda long, but bear with me.

Founded in 2000, by two guys – Bevan and Woodruff. Experienced journos, they were. Aiming for unbiased stuff. They succeeded, mostly. RCP’s become huge. Covers everything – federal, state, local. Crazy, right?

Their independence? It’s their thing. No obvious bias, they say. Readers decide. Smart move, I think. It’s worked for them. They’re trusted. That’s a big deal.

News coverage? Extensive. Articles, analysis, the whole shebang. Everything’s covered. Seriously. They even do polls! RCP polls are everywhere. Politicians use ’em. Journalists too. It’s all about public opinion.

Partnerships? They’re expanding. SiriusXM deal, a new show. Smart. NewsNation too! Daily show. Interviews galore. Both sides, even. It’s impressive, really.

Content’s great. Expert analysis. Columns from big names. Interviews, podcasts. It’s all there. They’ve won awards, too! Best political website, even. Not bad, huh?

To stay informed? Check their website! Or Twitter. Seriously, do it. It’s worth it. The Q&A section’s helpful too. Lots of good stuff there.

In short? RCP’s a great resource. Independent, comprehensive, and innovative. A must-read for anyone following US politics. Seriously. Check it out.

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